Saturday, 20 May 2017


One of the prevalent notions in Christendom is that what all Christians share in common is the term Christianity. This notion is nothing but nominalism in Christendom and it is an aberration. Nominalism simply stated is the belief that only particular things exist, and that universals are not entities but only names and do not exist outside the mind. Employing such position in the term Christianity implies that the individual Christian exists on his/her own and has no relationship/obligation to the other members of the Christendom. It is against this notion that this article is based. To repudiate such conception for it is nothing but an aberration to Christianity, for the term Christianity is meaningless unless it is involved in actual human relationships based on virtuous living.

Christianity as held in some quarters is not just a religious terminology used to designate those who believe in the historical Christ rather Christianity is a practical living, a conviction based on charity, shared interest, people on the same journey though in varying degrees, interdependence on one another, ‘people made one by the Spirit’, and bound together in sacrifice. It is an insistence on the cooperation in executing those actions that enhance the beingness of one another and in fighting against those actions that adversely affect the being of the other.

Christianity is not a zero sum game in which one wins and another loses. It is a living in which everyone is connected to everyone and each person plays a necessary role in the cause of building up the body of Christ. No Christian exists or functions in isolation, but instead is an active contributor to the enhancement of the beingness of other people. And so any undue advantage/exploitation of the other person based on the fact that he/she is in dire need of such help amounts to contradiction to the Christian tenets. Some people under the auspices of christenhood have sworn internally and externally that people will not be above them and so engage in all kinds of pull him/her syndrome. The question to be asked such people is this: What have you achieved that you should stop others from excelling or be a barrier to someone else’s progress? What an aberration to Christianity! A tragedy in Christianity!

The world as made by its creator is saturated by His love and so no man can fill his lung much more that it won’t reach his neighbour. All we are and all we have are the products of God’s love and so no one has the right to stop anyone from tapping incessantly from the magnificent love of the creator. If for anything, Christianity is supposed to be a means of helping one another especially the less privileged among us to enjoy the innumerable benefits of love given to us by the creator. And so according to the degree and manner for which one expresses love, he partakes of Christianity; and conversely according to the degree and manner for which one is a Christian, he/she expresses love. This is because it is only when the individual Christian transforms him/herself into a living Christ who is love, that Christianity becomes existential. Little less wonder St. Paul exalted love above all other Christian qualities. (cf. 1cor.13)

Another tendency resulting from nominalism in Christendom is the notion of being a ‘quasi christian’ preferring to stand on the fence and offer a fraction of whatever you are or have in case tomorrow the Christian world becomes an illusion, then you have nothing to lose. This notion or attitude is wrong in capital letters for it is either you are a Christian in the true sense of the term or you are not. Christianity instead is a generous gift from God given and accepted in faith. It is a call to see amidst your own difficulties and challenges, people suffering the same, and share with them your everything, your time, your wealth, your care and concern in love and for love sake.

If you claim to be a Christian and you don’t love God by concretizing this love in improvement and defence of human life, then you’re an impostor. There should be a correlation between the name one bears and his actions and inactions, for as the saying goes, ‘credibility and behaviour are Siamese twin’. This truth matches with Bonhoeffer assertion in the Nazi days that ‘only he who cries out in defense of the Jews dare permit himself to chant the Gregorian’, in the same manner I say, ‘only those who manifest God’s love to the other human person by doing what the Word commands dare call himself a Christian.

Understanding Christianity in a non-nominalist light will help to refine our lives as individual Christians and deepen the depth and vigour to ones selfless service of God and neighbour and feelings of sensitivity and responsibility to his fellow men, Christians and non Christians alike. May we always treasure our Christian calling to love and so perfect our earthly city in charity, mercy, justice and peace in view of the heavenly city. Amen

Sirpeter Aloh (and his evangelical admonitions, 2017)


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